Retrieving User Information

Another version of this information is available

If you're new to Tilia services, another version of this information is available in the Tutorials section of these docs, which might be an easier place to start.

There may be times you wish to retrieve information for a specific account. Using the Tilia account ID, you can check details such as the user's registered email address and the account's block status.


The Account ID is returned during user registration. You will need to store this in your system and associate it with your user's account. Refer to Registering Users for more information.

To retrieve user information

Retrieving user information requires an API token with the scope search_accounts.

To fetch user information, submit a GET request with the account_id to the /user-info endpoint.

curl --location --request GET{account_id}/user-info \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <Access_Token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Sample response

    "status": "Success",
    "message": [],
    "codes": [],
    "payload": {
        "account_id": "ebcbc9c4-7c1b-47df-9ec4-1bcfa48e0344",
        "username": "",
        "email": "",
        "is_blocked": false,
        "integrator": "acme",
        "created": "2020-07-03T01:05:59.49468Z"